Barcode Xpress for .NET Core is supported on x64 Windows operating systems of the following versions:
Barcode Xpress for .NET Core is supported on x64 Linux operating systems of the following versions:
On Linux operating systems, the following libraries may be required as runtime dependencies:
Additionally, one of the two following packages is required on most Linux systems. (Whichever is available for your distribution.):
Barcode Xpress for .NET Core primarily accepts images as System.Drawing.Bitmap objects. Internally, the .NET Core Runtime uses libgdiplus to load images on disk into these objects. While most images will load correctly with the most recent versions of libgdiplus available in distribution repositories, BMP version 4 and newer images will not have all data loaded properly and will cause some barcodes to not be decoded.
Microsoft recommends using libgdiplus version 6.0.1 or higher:
If this version is not available for your distribution, you can find instructions for adding the Mono repository and getting the most recent version here: